Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI
Sleep apnea is a very prevalent, and very serious, sleep breathing disorder that currently affects approximately 39 million Americans. Without seeking diagnosis and treatment from a trained medical professional, sleep apnea disrupts your ability to get proper rest and can have a major detrimental effect on your life. It can leave you exhausted and struggling to focus during your day-to-day activities. Sleep apnea also can increase your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and other serious health concerns. Treatment is crucial but, at Hartrick Dentistry, we believe there are other methods to address sleep apnea besides CPAP. We explain why today on the blog.
Treating sleep apnea
Most patients with sleep apnea are prescribed a CPAP machine. Standing for continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP sends a steady flow of air through a mask that’s worn over the nose while you are sleeping, helping to keep an open airway. This common treatment method can be effective, but it has several disadvantages that many sleep apnea patients may not know before beginning using the machine.
The problems people have with CPAP include:
- It is bulky and inconvenient for travel
- Some patients find the machines difficult to maintain
- Wearing the mask can cause irritation to the skin as well as dry mouth
- It can make it difficult for your partner or family members to sleep if they are in the same room
- It can impede intimacy
As a result of these and other issues, sleep apnea patients who use CPAP often become non-compliant. That means they stop using the machine as instructed or cease using it altogether. One study in 2022 disturbingly found that half of patients with CPAP in the study stopped using the machine within 3 ½ years. This is the worst thing that a patient with sleep apnea can do. Failure to treat the sleep breathing disorder only makes it more severe, elevating your risk of health issues that can be life-threatening.
Our alternative to CPAP
Hartrick Dentistry can treat sleep apnea through a course of oral appliance therapy. This entails providing the patient with a nightguard that is customized to fit their mouth. Not only is the night guard made just for you, it is fabricated from higher-quality materials than any sleeping guard you can find available for purchase over the counter. When worn, this night guard serves as a mandibular advancement device. It guides the lower jaw forward and maintains an open airway, preventing the airway obstructions that cause an attack of sleep apnea.
Treat your sleep apnea without CPAP in Royal Oak and Birmingham in Michigan
Any clinical treatment for your sleep apnea is better than none. Ignoring sleep apnea can have deadly consequences. Sleep apnea will not get better on its own and your symptoms can worsen without treatment. However, we want you to remember that a sleep apnea diagnosis doesn’t mean you have to settle for a CPAP machine. There are other options for you and we want to help you relieve your sleep apnea symptoms. To learn more about how Hartrick Dentistry can treat sleep apnea without the need for CPAP, schedule a consultation with Dr. Hartrick today by calling our office in Royal Oak at (248) 549-0950.