How Sleep Loss Affects your Job

sleep loss

sleep lossRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

Insufficient sleep is commonplace in American society. In fact, recent studies indicate that more than a quarter of American adults report receiving fewer than the recommended seven hours of sleep per night for more than 15 nights out of 30. Sleep deprivation is usually considered a private condition that affects the well-being of the individual sufferer, but lack of sleep was indicated as a factor contributing to such disasters as the nuclear meltdowns at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl and the wreck of the Exxon tanker Valdez. 

On a smaller scale, insufficient sleep can have consequences in the workplace and on an individual’s job performance. What are these job-related repercussions of sleep loss?


Lack of sleep can, first and foremost, cause a sleepy feeling that is very difficult to ignore and extremely difficult to fight off. A 2009 study found that close to 40 percent of Americans found themselves unintentionally falling asleep during the daytime. Even more common are so-called “microsleeps”, defined by one academic study as periods of between .5 to 15 seconds characterized by a complete failure to respond to stimulus accompanied by slow eye closures.

Microsleep episodes can have results ranging from wildly dangerous (such as when they occur in professional pilots, drivers, aircraft controllers, or process workers in a plant or factory) to simply annoying (trying to remember a train of thought while composing an e-mail, or asking a coworker to repeat what was just said in a meeting). At a minimum, exhaustion can add seconds and minutes to tasks, resulting in a loss of productivity.

Memory and concentration

Even without lapsing into microsleep, insufficient sleep can make concentration more difficult even when a person is theoretically wide awake. Concentration difficulties can lead to errors or prolong the time it takes to do even simple tasks, which can result in a loss of productivity.

Furthermore, lack of adequate sleep can lead to poor decision-making. A 2013 study suggested that sleep-deprived people are less likely to be motivated and especially less inclined to learn new tasks.

Sleep deprivation can also affect memory, with consequences ranging from bad, such as forgetting a task or deadline, to mildly irritating, such as forgetting a password or where something was placed. This leads to a loss of productivity and a lowering of performance.

Workplace attitude

Sleep loss can also have a significant impact on a person’s general demeanor. It can, for example, lower the threshold for frustration and irritability, influencing how the sufferer behaves around co-workers and customers. Sleep-deprived persons might also be more susceptible to underlying mental conditions like depression and anxiety, which can diminish the ability to perform tasks and lead to a loss of productivity.


Lack of sleep is also directly related to a heightened tendency to become ill and can worsen existing physical ailments. A 2009 study showed that persons getting less than seven hours of sleep were approximately three times more likely to develop the common cold, potentially missing work to recover.

Prolonged insufficient sleep has also been shown to have a direct bearing on hypertension and coronary heart disease, which can lead to heart attack and stroke. It can also lead to insulin resistance in diabetics. These outcomes can be fatal at worst and lead to hospitalizations at best, both of which cause extended absences from work.

Proper sleep and work

Whether it manifests itself in a truly horrific incident, such as a car crash or industrial accident, or as something merely more inconvenient, such as taking an unduly sharp tone with a co-worker, lack of sleep can play a role in poor job performance.

What can help someone who perhaps did not sleep enough the night before? If possible, a quick nap during lunch can do wonders for concentration. Caffeine, too, can help with focus and alertness. Recent studies suggest combining the two. Sleep reduces the amount of a chemical called adenosine, which causes sleepiness. Adenosine competes with caffeine in the brain, so coffee before a nap simultaneously reduces sleepiness and allows for the caffeine to start to work.

Coffee and naps can help with the effects of insufficient sleep. A better route, however, is to address its cause. Making sure to increase sleep can eliminate all these difficulties. If they persist even with 7 to 8 hours of sleep, it might be wise to investigate if sleep apnea has developed. If so, sleep apnea can be treated with surgery, machines, oral appliances, and even lifestyle changes.

Sleeping more can help one give the very best effort at work, which can lead to handsome rewards in the long run.

Hartrick Dentistry provides dental treatments for patients of all ages in the Royal Oak area. Dr. Nancy Hartrick has nearly 30 years of dental experience. Schedule an appointment online or by calling 248-712-1149.

Posted in Sleep Apnea

4 Signs you Need a Dental Filling

dental filling

dental fillingRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

Occasionally, teeth get small holes in them. Usually, it’s because of an abundance of lactic acid in the mouth. Lactic acid is produced by the bacteria Streptococcus mutans, which naturally occurs in the mouth and is nourished by compounds that chemists identify as “sugars”, including lactose (found in milk and dairy products), glucose (found in most starches), fructose (found in fruits), and sucrose (found in table sugar).

The lactic acid produced by s. mutans causes a process called demineralization in the enamel (the hard white outer coating of the teeth). Ions in saliva trigger remineralization, but if too much bacteria is present, the wearing can outpace the restoration. This can lead to pits, and then holes, in the enamel, exposing the interior tissue of the tooth (called dentin) to the acid, which can then wear away and expose the nerve. The result is a decayed tooth and, likely, accompanying pain.

When a cavity is just beginning to form, an increase in fluoride can reverse the decay, so the dentist may recommend a fluoride treatment in a cavity’s early stages. Past a certain point, however, the dentist will recommend a filling. A filling, as its name implies, will fill in the small hole in the tooth (cavity). Depending on where the cavity is, the filling may be made of silver alloy (more often found in the back teeth) or a tooth-colored composite resin (usually in the front teeth).

Early on, cavities may go completely unnoticed since they tend to hurt only when the decay has moved into the dentin itself, which is fairly far along in the cavity’s progress. Here are four signs that a cavity is forming and that a filling may be needed:

Visible to the naked eye

If a tooth begins to show a spot (most often black or brown) that does not go away after brushing or flossing, it’s likely a cavity, and it may be time to visit the dentist.

A chipped tooth can often cause the same risks as a cavity: a hole left by the chipped-off piece may go into the dentin, allowing for access to the nerve. Even if this isn’t the case, a chipped tooth often collects bacteria and acid, so if it does not immediately have the same consequences as a cavity, it still might in the future. Even a chipped tooth that does not hurt, cause discomfort from sharp edges, or alter the appearance will likely be a candidate for a filling or dental bonding – a process by which a dentist uses resin to fill the hole and then reshapes the tooth.


A cavity causes a hole in the outer, protective layer of the tooth, whose function is to protect the dental nerve. With a cavity, the dental nerve is more exposed to temperature variations. Hot or cold food and beverages – even breathing in very cold air – can cause discomfort. Dental sensitivity (especially if it suddenly appears or gets more intense over time) may indicate a cavity and the need for a filling.

Dental pain

The most common sign of a dental cavity is tooth pain. Sometimes this can happen randomly; other times, it can have certain triggers, like eating sweets, clinching teeth or consuming hot or cold food and beverages. If this happens consistently, it may be a symptom of a cavity.

Food or floss consistently stuck in the same spot

Everyone gets food stuck in their teeth from time to time, and it is not uncommon for floss (especially of the woven variety) to fragment or tear. But if food continually gets stuck in one particular place, or if the floss regularly tears in a specific spot, it might be a signal of enamel that is roughened by a cavity.

What to do next

Anyone who suspects a cavity should call a dentist to schedule an exam. After a thorough cleaning, visual inspection and x-ray, the dentist can determine if a cavity exists and, if so, will recommend the best way to treat it. Hartrick Dentistry provides dental treatments for patients of all ages in the Royal Oak area. Dr. Nancy Hartrick has nearly 30 years of dental experience. Schedule an appointment online or by calling 248-712-1149.

Posted in General Dentistry

Oral Health Hacks to Save $

oral health hacks

oral health hacksRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

Especially when the cost of seemingly everything is skyrocketing around us, who doesn’t want to find ways to save money? Preventative dental care may seem expensive, but it’s nothing compared to the costs you may incur if you ignore your oral health over time. So our family dentist in the Royal Oak area is focusing today on oral hacks that can help you keep money in your pocket while maintaining your bright smile. 

Snack smart

So hear us out: we’re not suggesting you skip your morning or nightly toothbrushing sessions here, but through the day, certain foods are known to help clean and clear debris from teeth. Pop a piece of sugar-free gum in your mouth after lunch to help clear food debris from your teeth and stimulate saliva, which helps clean tooth surfaces. Other foods known for helping keep teeth clean between brushing sessions? Raw apples, celery and carrots.

Brush with baking soda

Baking soda is known for being an ingredient that’s included in effective, chemical-free household cleaners. But did you know you could brush your teeth with it, too? Have you noticed that many toothpaste companies are incorporating baking soda into their toothpaste ingredients? That’s because baking soda is known to remove stains and brighten teeth. It’s much cheaper than toothpaste; a box of baking soda costs around $1 and will last for a very long time. It can be a bit messy and certainly doesn’t have a minty taste straight out of the box — it also doesn’t contain necessary fluoride — but it’s effective and can even be incorporated a few times a week into your usual oral hygiene routine. If you switch to brushing frequently with baking soda, be sure you’re receiving fluoride from a source other than toothpaste.

Rinse with water

No toothbrush at work after your lunch break? No problem! A simple — and cost-free — swish of water immediately after eating removes food particles from the mouth and between the teeth. It also washes away bacteria and acids that beverages can leave on teeth. Repeat the rinse several times for maximum effectiveness.

Gargle with hydrogen peroxide

Okay, don’t go getting ahead of yourself; read this entire section before you go throwing back a swig of that brown-bottle liquid shoved in the back of your bathroom cabinet. But seriously: because of its antibacterial properties, hydrogen peroxide may offer several possible oral-health benefits, including reducing gum inflammation, when swished and gargled regularly. However, our Birmingham family dentists say this hack comes with a strong warning: never swallow. Using hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash, while arguably a more effective disinfectant than commercial mouthwashes, can also, if done incorrectly, cause side effects and be associated with certain risks.

Here’s how to use it properly with minimal, if any, risk:

  1. Start with a typical 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide — the same kind you find in the brown bottle at any drug store. Combine one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts water so that the solution you’re gargling is 1% hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Gargle and swish a small mouthful of the mixture for 60 seconds (and never longer than 90 seconds).
  3. Spit the solution out.

Oral health hacks in Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan

Hacks for oral health — even if they save you money — are not intended to replace daily brushing and flossing and routine professional cleanings by our Royal Oak family dentists at Hartrick Dentistry. To schedule your cleaning today, call our office at (248) 712-1149 or contact us online.

Posted in Oral Health

Is a Smile Rejuvenation Right for You?

smile rejuvenation

smile rejuvenationRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

Ever wish you could turn back the hands of time or find that evasive fountain of youth? Now you can, with a smile rejuvenation! Exactly as it sounds, a smile rejuvenation utilizes one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures to bring your smile back to life. A smile is usually the first thing people notice about each other. Something as simple as a smile can drastically boost a person’s confidence in both their personal and professional lives. But everyday wear-and-tear takes a toll on our smiles, along with subconscious habits like clenching or grinding our teeth, erosion of tooth enamel and eating foods or drinking beverages that stain our teeth.

Dental treatments have advanced alongside technology. In fact, in as little as two weeks, our cosmetic dentists in the Birmingham area who specialize in smile rejuvenation can combine conservative and diverse cosmetic treatments to help reverse the signs of aging in your smile. Today, our cosmetic dentists discuss some of the various treatments used in smile rejuvenation.

Dental crowns

Dental crowns are also called “caps” and are durable, long-lasting protectants for teeth that perhaps have been damaged by an injury or teeth-grinding. The natural tooth is covered by a customized crown, restoring the tooth to its original appearance and functionality.

Porcelain veneers

Porcelain ceramic veneers are thin, durable “shells” that adhere to the front surface of teeth. They are an excellent option for restoring the appearance of multiple teeth at once.

Dental bonding

Dental bonding restores damaged and discolored teeth to their natural appearance and strength. Our cosmetic dentists in Royal Oak can rebuild a tooth’s structure using the same durable composite resin material that is used to fill cavities. This is a great option when only one or two teeth need to be restored.

Dental implants

Dental implants are a multi-part solution to replace a single lost tooth or multiple teeth. The process involves inserting a titanium post into the area of the jawbone where the natural tooth is missing. The post eventually fuses into the jawbone and becomes the root for a dental crown that is created to look exactly like the surrounding natural teeth in color, shape and size.


Our dentists may suggest straightening your teeth as part of your smile rejuvenation. When thinking of orthodontics, most people think only of traditional, often-uncomfortable metal braces. But technology has come a long way! Invisalign, for instance, is a practically invisible treatment option that corrects a smile in a fraction of the time as traditional braces.

Gum contouring

Sometimes, too much periodontal tissue covers pearly whites or an uneven gum line distracts from an otherwise beautiful smile. Minimally-invasive gum contouring with our Royal Oak dentists who specialize in smile rejuvenation can help reveal more of your pearly whites and straighten your gum line for a rejuvenated smile.

Tooth reshaping

Just as it sounds, tooth reshaping is a quick and painless cosmetic dentistry procedure that repairs a tooth that is chipped, uneven, misaligned or cracked. The procedure involves scraping off part of the existing tooth’s enamel. Our cosmetic dentist in the Birmingham area will shape the tooth using a bonding resin that attaches to your teeth and hardens on them.

Teeth whitening

It’s no surprise that teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments. Teeth can get dingy over time, and every adult can only benefit from a brighter, whiter smile. Forget the store-bought whitening treatments; a professional cosmetic dentist uses a far more powerful whitening gel than is carried in stores, and a professional dental team will protect your gums from burning during the process, unlike a store-bought treatment.

Smile Rejuvenation in Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan

A smile rejuvenation helps reverse facial aging by using one treatment or multiple treatments to restore your smile to its youthful brilliance. In fact, many of our patients report feeling better about their rejuvenated smile than they felt about their smiles in the glory days! To learn more about how your Royal Oak cosmetic dentist at Hartrick Dentistry can rejuvenate your smile, call our office today — (248) 712-1149 — or schedule a consultation online.

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry

Is it Safe to get Dental X-Rays While Pregnant?

dental xrays

dental xraysRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

Dental visits are especially important during pregnancy. The demands placed on a body while carrying a baby — including rapidly changing hormones — can increase the risk of developing conditions that negatively affect teeth and gums. “Pregnancy gingivitis,” for example, causes irritated, swollen and bleeding gums during pregnancy, and hormones can alter how gums respond to plaque. Pregnancy requires proper nutrition to meet a pregnant body’s changing needs, but that diet — especially if it includes an increased amount of simple carbohydrates — can lead to a higher risk of developing cavities. Meanwhile, morning sickness can damage tooth enamel. For all these reasons — and despite old-wives’-tale warnings to the contrary — dentists encourage Moms-to-be to keep all scheduled dental appointments and even inquire about possibly visiting the dentist for more frequent cleanings during the nine months of pregnancy.

X-rays may feel a a bit off-putting during a pregnancy. After all, what impact could it have on an unborn child? The well-being of Mom and Baby are of utmost importance to our Royal Oak family dentists, and today they’re hoping to put expectant parents’ minds at ease about x-rays during pregnancy.

If a dentist recommends a procedure requiring X-rays during pregnancy, rest assured it’s needed and safe. According to both the American Dental Association and American Pregnancy Association, the amount of radiation used in dental X-rays is lower than what would harm a pregnant woman or her baby. Dental teams further minimize exposure to radiation with the use of heavy leaded aprons and collars, used to protect an abdomen and thyroid from radiation exposure.

Postponing X-rays until after first trimester — Some expectant mothers elect to postpone X-rays until after the first trimester of pregnancy since this is the most critical development period for Baby. While not medically necessary, it’s understandable that postponing X-rays until after 13 weeks of pregnancy may offer Mom-to-be some peace of mind.

Postponing X-rays until after Baby’s birth — Our family dentists in Birmingham don’t recommend this. If a dentist is recommending X-rays — especially during pregnancy — chances are the dentist has determined that X-rays are critical to examining a dental problem and whether it requires immediate treatment or can wait until after pregnancy. Putting off dental problems until after Baby is born may seem convenient at the time, but dental emergencies with a newborn are no fun. Use the pregnancy period to catch up and stay on top of all dental needs, including fillings for any potential cavities.

Speaking of newborns and teeth A baby’s teeth begin to form between the third and sixth month of pregnancy, in the second trimester. Doctors and our family dentists in the Royal Oak area recommend expectant moms consume a healthy diet especially during that time, full of foods rich in calcium and vitamins A, C and D. Vegetables, fruits and quality dairy products will help nourish Baby’s teeth, with the first set of 20 being in place under the gums when Baby is born.

Family Dentist in Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan

It’s best to let our Birmingham family dentists know as soon as a bundle of joy is on the way. Our dental team knows exactly what to watch for during pregnancy and, if necessary, will recommend only procedures deemed medically safe for an expectant mom and her baby. Remember that dental visits are especially important during pregnancy. If you’re expecting, call Hartrick Dentistry at (248) 712-1149, or contact us online today to schedule a checkup and cleaning.

Posted in General Dentistry

Tips to Rejuvenate your Smile for Spring

rejuvenate smile

rejuvenate smileRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

Having a healthy, glowing smile is imperative to one’s confidence. Laughing, talking, and grinning freely with no subconscious insecurity haunting the back of your thoughts is incredibly freeing. It’s nice to have straight teeth, but if they are stained and yellow, are you even going to show them off? Here are some helpful tips to ensure your spring smile is as white as the winter snow!

Increase Water Intake

Instead of enjoying sugary, caffeinated, highly acidic drinks after a long day, drink water to keep your teeth as white as possible. Not only does drinking water mean you’re not consuming all the aforementioned enamel destroyers, but it is also a way to clean your teeth.

When you drink water at any point after you eat, you are helping to clean your teeth by washing off bacteria and leftover food. Which, if left sitting on your teeth too long, is what causes stains, decay, plaque build-up, and cavities. However, you still need to brush and floss daily. While drinking water daily is healthy for your teeth, it also keeps your body hydrated without added sugars, dyes, and acids.

Proper Oral Hygiene

You’ve probably heard about the importance of a daily oral hygiene routine, but these actions are imperative to having a gleaming smile! Brushing your teeth twice a day helps to remove build-up that causes cavities, stains, and even gum disease. If you don’t brush your teeth and allow food to sit on them for longer than 24 hours, it can cause stains and yellowing. This is also why it is incredibly important to floss your teeth daily as well, as it helps to remove the bacteria that hides between your teeth, which causes bad breath and increases your risk of gum disease.

Eat Healthy Foods

If you are someone who finds themselves constantly consuming sugar or highly acidic foods, you may want to kick that bad habit now. Sugar is one of the top reasons for tooth decay and staining since sugar fuels enamel-eroding bacteria, stripping the tooth of its natural barrier and protector. Thinning enamel causes the tooth to become more likely to develop cavities and leads to tooth discoloration. Aim to eat more whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and lean meats. Consume things like desserts, candy, sweetened beverages, processed foods, and fast food sparingly.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum

After a good meal, the leftover bacteria from food runs rampant in your mouth. To quickly counteract the bacteria takeover, chew sugarless gum. Sugarless gum has been proven to increase saliva production in the mouth, which is very helpful because saliva is a natural tooth cleaner. It helps rinse excess food, bacteria, or sugar sitting on the teeth. The saliva naturally reduces plaque-acid build-up, which makes teeth stronger and reduces the risk of tooth decay. So, the next time you rush to your next work meeting or trek across campus for your next class, chew sugar-free gum to freshen your breath and give your teeth a quick clean.

Aesthetic Enhancement Solutions

Sometimes, you can eat the right foods and adhere to a rigid oral hygiene routine yet still have yellowing teeth or other aesthetic concerns with your smile. If you’d like to conceal or correct these issues, consider aesthetic dentistry at Hartrick Dentistry.

From teeth whitening and veneers to dental implants and more, we can correct seemingly small concerns or provide a complete smile makeover addressing all of your problem teeth. If you’d like to learn more, please contact Hartrick Dentistry at (248) 549-0950 to schedule a consultation and discover the best treatments for your smile needs.

Posted in General Dentistry

Is there an Alternative to the CPAP Machine?


cpapRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

To maintain your health, you need to get enough quality sleep. If you don’t, you’ll wake up feeling sluggish and cranky. People who suffer from sleep apnea have a far more difficult time than most getting a whole night’s rest each night, which is why they opt for CPAP treatment. Not only is the machine proven effective, but it can also help patients who suffer from mild to severe symptoms. However, many patients state that the machine is noisy, too uncomfortable, or challenging to clean thoroughly and prefer another treatment method. So, our Royal Oak sleep apnea dentist, Dr. Nancy Hartrick, shares on the blog today a possible alternative to the CPAP machine so that you can get a peaceful night’s rest and feel ready to take on the day.

What is the alternative to the CPAP machine?

Dr. Hartrick provides an alternative method of dealing with sleep apnea and snoring. It’s a dental appliance worn at night to reposition your jaw and open the airway to improve airflow, allowing you to breathe easier and end those restless nights spent in bed. Oral appliance therapy has helped many patients, particularly those who sleep on their backs and snore. Alternative sleep apnea treatment in Royal Oak is most effective at treating mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea.

What are some nightguard benefits?

Oral appliances can do more than reposition your jaw for better airflow and quality sleep. since they are compact and don’t use electricity, they can easily travel with you wherever you go. For example, if you’re camping or traveling someplace without electricity, utilizing a CPAP might be difficult since you’ll require a generator. Also, these oral appliances are comfortable, noise-free, and easier to clean.

Which sleep apnea treatment is best, a CPAP or oral appliance?

Oral appliances and CPAP devices may be effective for some individuals but not for others. A study conducted by the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders conducted a study about CPAP machines and oral appliances and found that more than 90 participants shared two characteristics and had the best response to oral appliances: Moderate throat tissue collapse and weak throat reflexes. On the other hand, those who suffer from sleep apnea by factors related to their brain and lungs were less likely to benefit from oral appliances. People with these characteristics and those with significant throat tissue collapse may benefit most from using a CPAP machine. The best way to find out which sleep apnea treatment is right for you is to schedule an appointment with our Royal Oak dentist who treats sleep apnea patients.

Sleep Apnea Treatment in Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan

Not getting enough sleep can be hazardous to your health, but so can using a loud machine and disturbing your sleeping partner. Patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea symptoms may benefit from oral appliance use. However, patients with severe conditions May only respond to CPAP treatment. Our sleep apnea dentist in Birmingham encourages patients to visit the office for a consultation to determine their condition’s severity and begin immediate treatment. So, whether you are newly diagnosed with sleep apnea or tired of dealing with your CPAP machine, now is the best time to inquire about an oral appliance. To find out more about sleep apnea or to schedule a consultation, please call Hartrick Dentistry at (248) 549-0950 or contact us online to request an appointment.

Posted in Sleep Apnea

Is it Normal to have Pain after getting Dental Implants?

dental pain after implant

dental pain after implantRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

A missing tooth or teeth can be embarrassing, especially when the gap is in a prominent area. Even though multiple treatment choices exist to replace the missing tooth, dental implants are the most stable and longest-lasting option available. However, placing a dental implant is a lengthy and intricate process. Our Royal Oak implant dentist explains that implants are like other invasive procedures, and it’s normal to feel discomfort for a few days after the procedure. However, persistent pain beyond a few days may indicate postoperative problems. So, today on the blog, Dr. Nancy Hartrick shares how to tell whether the pain you’re experiencing is typical or something more serious and what you should do when you experience painful sensations.

What is the dental implant placement procedure?

During your initial consultation, our implant dentist in Royal Oak will check your teeth and gums to ensure you’re a good candidate for a dental implant. You must have good oral health and enough jawbone to hold the implant. If not, you could require a bone graft before placing the implant. Before the procedure begins, your mouth is made numb. Next, a small incision is made in the gum, and a titanium metal post is surgically placed into the jawbone. The first phase of the procedure is complete after a tiny abutment or connector piece is attached to the implant. This piece remains slightly visible above the gum line and helps prevent the gum from growing over the implant. After the gums heal and the post and bone fuse, you return to our office to receive your dental crown that is permanently attached to the implant.

What could cause pain during and after the implant procedure?

You should expect discomfort after the treatment for a few days and bruising, swelling, and jaw stiffness that should subside within ten days. An over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever will help ease discomfort, and an ice pack to alleviate the swelling. Discomfort is expected, yet you should be able to control it with OTC medication. Additionally, discomfort should not last more than a few days to a week. However, you must contact our Royal Oak dentist for a follow-up appointment if the pain in discomfort last more than two weeks or is unbearable.

Although complications after dental implant surgery are uncommon, you may experience one of the following situations that could cause pain

  • Damaged Nerves – The titanium post can strike and damage a nerve during the implantation process. Nerve injury is more common in females and younger patients and manifests as discomfort on contact or a strange feeling in the lips. Dr. Hartrick may recommend removing the implant and using oral steroids to minimize inflammation before placing a new implant to help the nerve recover.
  • Peri-implantitis – Chronic inflammation surrounding an implant site is called peri-implantitis, caused by a bacterial accumulation. Gums that are sore, uncomfortable, or bleed while brushing are the condition’s symptoms. Dr. Hartrick will treat peri-implantitis by cleaning the affected area and instructing the patient to maintain good oral hygiene. Implant removal may be necessary in severe peri-implantitis cases to avoid further bone loss and tissue damage.
  • Ill-fitting Implant – Implants that never fully fuse with the bone require a replacement implant. Patients could experience painful sensations in the jaw or lips.
  • Infection – Bacterial infections at the surgical site might delay or prevent the wound from healing. Infection symptoms include high body temperature, abnormal bleeding or swelling, and vomiting.

Contact our Royal Oak implant dentist as soon as possible if you have any signs and symptoms of complications. The sooner Dr. Hartrick administers treatment, the less likely that issues will worsen.

Dental Implants in Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan

Some people fear getting dental implants because they believe the procedure will be painful. Doctor Hartrick takes the necessary steps to ensure your comfort during the process. Although there could be some pain and discomfort after the surgery, it should quickly dissipate with the use of over-the-counter pain medications. Also, there are rare cases where painful situations can develop after surgery. However, Dr. Hartrick will fully support you and correct the problem when necessary. So, contact Hartrick Dentistry today to reschedule your implant consultation by calling (248) 549-0950 or contacting us online.

Posted in Dental Implants

Make your Smile Valentine’s Day Ready with these 5 Tips

valentines smile

valentines smileRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

If you’re hoping to impress your date on Valentine’s Day, it’s in your best interest to put up some extra effort. People may be first drawn to your outward beauty, but it’s your charming grin that will keep them coming back for more. Teeth that are yellow, discolored, crooked, or chipped are unattractive at any time of year. Maintaining good dental hygiene habits can help you feel and look your best on Valentine’s Day. Our Royal Oak family dentist, Dr. Nancy Hartrick, shares on the blog today how to make your smile Valentine’s Day ready with these five tips.

Eliminate Bad Breath

Our greatest advice for Valentine’s Day is to brush up on your oral hygiene. Bad diet, tooth decay, alcohol use, tobacco usage, and other health issues may all contribute to foul-smelling breath. Unfortunately, using breath mints won’t fix the underlying problem. Take a hard look at what you’re eating and make some changes. The majority of cases of bad breath may be traced back to dental issues like cavities and plaque buildup, so make an appointment with our family dentist in Birmingham as soon as possible. In the meantime, you should stay away from sugary meals, brush your teeth twice a day with a good toothbrush and toothpaste, floss every day, and cut down on your caffeine and alcoholic beverage use.

Brighten Your Smile

Treat your Valentine to a brighter smile by booking a teeth-whitening appointment at the dentist. Maintaining a healthy, radiant grin will send a positive message to your Valentine’s Day date about your commitment to personal cleanliness. You may purchase an over-the-counter teeth whitening product or use a DIY teeth whitening method. However, nothing can compare to a professional whitening treatment regarding speed and shade difference. A teeth-whitening procedure at Hartrick Dentistry will give you visible, long-lasting results right away.

Repair Cavities

Don’t put off fixing your tooth decay or filling cavities until Valentine’s Day. Poor dental hygiene and bad breath are two major turnoffs for potential romantic partners. Not only are cavities unsightly, but they might prevent you from enjoying your Valentine’s Day champagne or chocolate. To prevent a horrible Valentine’s Day, gather your courage and make an appointment with our family dentist in Royal Oak to get your cavities fixed before the holiday.

Be Cautious About Certain Foods and Drinks

Although you may be tempted to indulge in heart-shaped candies and candlelit meals, remember to exercise caution for the sake of your pearly whites. Teeth may get discolored and stained by consuming certain foods and beverages. For example, red wine, coffee, and heavily dyed foods can impact your smile’s color, so consume them in moderation. For optimum oral health, avoid smoking and eating strong-smelling or spicy meals on Valentine’s Day, and always clean your teeth after eating.

Visit Our Royal Oak Dental Office

A date’s initial impression may be based on your smile. Therefore it’s important to take good care of it. In addition to regular dental floss and mouthwash use, you should take care of any issues with your teeth before your big romantic day. Make an appointment with our Birmingham dentist and inquire about all-inclusive dental care plans. You can have your teeth whitened, cavities filled, plaque removed, and your whole oral cavity cleaned as part of a standard Valentine’s Day dental treatment plan.

Dentists in Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan

Good oral hygiene is essential to your overall well-being. Therefore, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy mouth by scheduling regular dental checkups and engaging in consistent at-home dental care. With these helpful hints, you can achieve a sparkling new smile in time for Valentine’s Day and wow the person with whom you want to celebrate. So, please contact our Royal Oak dental office, Hartrick Dentistry, by calling (248) 549-0950 or contacting us online to schedule an appointment.

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry

Common TMJ Symptoms you Shouldn’t Ignore

tmj symptoms

tmj symptomsRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

Navigating a lengthy To Do List with a severe headache or jaw pain can make the process much more challenging. Sometimes, the pain could be related to high-stress levels, but other times, it could be a severe condition in your jaw joints that demands medical attention. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) links the jaw to the skull and is one of the most complicated joints in the human body. These joints serve a crucial role in normal jaw functions and may be found directly beneath the ear on both sides of the head. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) may malfunction for several reasons, which can often lead to pain and discomfort. Our Royal Oak dentist that treats TMJ patients, Dr. Nancy Hartrick, shares on the blog today common TMJ symptoms you shouldn’t ignore so that you can relieve your painful symptoms and restore a pain-free life.


Inadequate jaw joint function may cause muscular strain, which can cause headaches that range from mild to severe. When the TMJ is misaligned, it may cause strain on the supporting muscles and connective tissue. Our Birmingham TMJ dentist explains that the stress may eventually manifest as pain in the upper back and shoulders. Regular headache sufferers who can’t pinpoint their pain source or who take over-the-counter medications that don’t last may want to get a dental checkup to see whether their temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is to blame.

Jaw Clicking or Popping

Abnormal noises when eating, speaking, or yawning are another typical indicator of a TMJ problem, although they are generally disregarded. The only person who can hear these noises is the individual who’s experiencing them, yet for some people, these sounds are noticeable even to onlookers. Our dentist who treats TMJ in Royal Oak explains that the noises may vary, but they may include clicking, grinding, cracking, or even crushing sounds. Combining these symptoms with the additional indicators presented here raises the possibility that you have a TMJ issue.

Ear Problems

Some issues with the temporomandibular joint might manifest as ear pain, but few individuals make the connection. Our dentist in Birmingham that treats TMJ advises that if you have recurrent ear or head discomfort, then TMJ should be considered a possible reason. Some people with a TMJ disorder also have tinnitus, which is a buzzing or ringing sound in the ears that can only be heard by the person who has it. Because of its proximity to the ear, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) should not be ignored as a possible source of tinnitus and other ear issues.

Pain While Speaking or Chewing

Pain or discomfort while moving the jaw, like when eating or talking, is another symptom of TMJ problems. Facial muscle soreness is also possible, and the pain might come and go or be constant. Our Royal Oak TMJ dentist explains that for some individuals, the discomfort is persistent and may persist even when the jaw is relaxed. Many people who have problems with their jaw joints have chronic pain that interferes with their everyday lives, and they need therapy to relieve painful symptoms.

TMJ Treatment in Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan

Getting through life in constant pain is not feasible for most people. Fortunately, TMJ problems are curable. Our dentist who treats TMJ in Birmingham might help you discover the source of your TMJ symptoms and offer effective therapy to relieve the painful sensations. If you consistently suffer from pain in your head, jaw, neck, shoulders, and upper back, Dr. Hartrick encourages you to schedule an appointment and find out more about TMJ disorder. Please call Hartrick Dentistry at (248) 549-0950 or contact us online to request a consultation today.

Posted in TMJ