Your Child’s Baby Teeth Matter

your childs baby teeth matter

your childs baby teeth matterRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

Your child’s primary (baby) teeth, believe it or not, play a significant role in their growth and development. From helping your child speak, chew properly, and build confidence, baby teeth matter. Plus, baby teeth maintain the proper spacing and aid in the development and alignment of your child’s permanent teeth that are soon to erupt.

Prevention is the single most important action a parent can take to help prevent their child from getting cavities. However, did you know that a baby can begin developing cavities as soon as their first tooth erupts? Oral hygiene should be part of your child’s daily routine to maintain healthy teeth, beginning in infancy. Here are some helpful oral hygiene tips that you can practice with your child at home.

Even before your baby’s first tooth erupts, get in the habit of gently wiping his or her gums after every feeding by using a damp washcloth. Most babies get their first tooth between four and six months of age. As soon as your baby gets a tooth, start simple tooth brushing techniques by brushing twice a day using fluoridated toothpaste.

Avoid letting your baby or toddler drink juice throughout the day from a bottle or sippy cup. Only fill it with breast milk, formula, milk, or water (whichever is age appropriate). Although it is perfectly safe for your child to drink these nourishing beverages, be sure not to allow your child to go to sleep drinking anything other than water. Even milk and breast milk contain sugar, which means your child’s teeth will constantly be coated with sugar, which inevitably leads to tooth decay.

At Hartrick Dentistry, we support the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry in that children should begin routine dental visits by the time their first tooth erupts, or by age one. To schedule your child’s appointment, contact Hartrick Dentistry today. We welcome patients of Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan.

Posted in Pediatric

Is A Tonsillectomy In Your Child’s Future? Why A Sleep Study Should Be The First Step In Treatment

tonsillectomy sleep study

tonsillectomy sleep studyRoyal Oak and Birmingham, MI

Nearly 12 percent of children in America suffer from a sleep breathing disorder, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology (AAO). Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs in about 4 percent of these children, which means they are not breathing well while asleep. With constant interruptions during sleep, these children may exhibit symptoms of snoring, gasping for air, daytime fatigue, and have trouble focusing. Many sufferers tend to experience poor academic performance and may have symptoms similar to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

What is OSA?

OSA means the airway is blocked by soft tissues of the mouth and throat, which causes a decrease in air flowing in and out of the body. Sometimes, a child’s bite may be out of alignment causing the lower jaw to slip backwards, pushing the tongue towards the back of the throat. Enlarged tissues of the throat, such as the tonsils, may be to blame for blocking the airway. As a result, every year nearly 530,000 tonsillectomies are performed on children under the age of 15 years old, yet only about 10 percent of these children have undergone a sleep study before their surgery.

My child’s physician recommends a tonsillectomy, why should I consider a sleep study first?
The AAO urges medical and dental professionals to refer children, who exhibit OSA symptoms, for a sleep study as the first step in treatment. Polysomnography (PSG) is a sleep study that is ideal for children who show symptoms of OSA. Through an evidence-based research, PSG has been identified as a reliable form of sleep testing for children ages 2-18 who suffer from sleep breathing disorders or who are candidates for a tonsillectomy.

Symptoms of OSA:

If your child experiences any of these symptoms, consider a sleep study.

• Frequent loud snoring
• Gasping for air or long pauses in breathing during sleep
• Restless sleeping or significant tossing and turning (night sweats)
• Chronic mouth breathing during sleep
• Unexplained mood swings, misbehavior, or decline in academic performance

You may be unaware whether your child experiences symptoms of OSA. However, if your child is a candidate for a tonsillectomy, they should first undergo a sleep test to determine if OSA is the problem. Testing for OSA means better outcomes and safer surgery for children who’s enlarged tonsils are causing their sleep breathing disorder.

To schedule your child’s sleep study, contact Hartrick Dentistry today. We welcome patients of Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan.

Posted in Pediatric

Did you know everyone is at risk for developing Oral Cancer?

Smoking, chewing tobacco, and heavy drinking have traditionally been major links to the increased risk of developing oral cancer. However, in the last few years reports have shown an increase in oropharyngeal cancers which is cancer of the mouth and throat. Reports have shown that a sexually transmitted disease, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), is now a contributing factor to the risk of oral cancer. Although discussion of a sexually transmitted disease may not be on the list of topics discussed with your dentist, it should be. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, nearly 20 million Americans now have some fort of genital or oral HPV.

Oral cancer involves cancers of the head, neck, mouth, tongue, tonsils, and throat, as defined by The Oral Cancer Foundation. Oropharyngeal cancer, which affects the back of the mouth and throat specifically, is a subset of oral cancers that is directly linked to HPV. If caught early, oral cancer can be treated and have a high survival rate. Even better, your dentist can easily screen for oral cancer at your routine dental cleanings and checkups.

Oral cancer has a nearly an 80-90% survival rate if caught early. The problem is that most cases of oral cancer are not caught until the later stages have developed. Late-stage oral cancer has only a five-year, 43% survival rate. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, 115 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each day in the United States. How many of those new cases will be caught early? With routine dental cleanings and exams, many of those individuals could go on to live a long, healthy life after treatment for their oral cancer.

Statistically, oral cancer was found mostly in men over the age of 50 who were heavy smokers or drinkers. However, in recent years studies have shown that men are six times more likely than women to develop HPV-related oral cancer, but more cases are being diagnosed among women in their 40’s. How can you help to avoid this statistic? Visit your dentist regularly!

An oral cancer screening performed by the dentist could help save your life. During your routine dental checkups every six months, your dentist should be screening for oral cancer. If not, ask! There are also signs you could be looking out for at home, in between your routine dental cleanings and checkups. For instance, call your dentist if you notice abnormalities in the tissue around your face or lips or asymmetrical markings or borders that change color. Another sign of oral cancer is sores or cuts that do not seem to be healing. Also, hoarseness that is not linked to allergies, cold or other illness, or any lumps found in the neck or underneath your jaw. Be sure to contact the dentist if you notice any of these changes.

Remember, if caught early, oral cancer has a much higher survival rate. That is why Dr. Hartrick of Royal Oak and Birmingham Michigan recommends routine dental cleanings and checkups. Do not wait until you experience symptoms of oral cancer, but be proactive by calling Dr. Hartrick’s office today to schedule your next routine dental exam and cleaning. It could be the call that saves your life!

Posted in Preventive Dentistry

Coke Can Kill Your Dental Hygiene

You brush and floss regularly and visit the dentist like you should, so your mouth should be safe from decay, right? Wrong! When it comes to your dental hygiene, what you put into your body matters too. Many patients do not realize the impact that sipping on sodas all day can have on their teeth. Here is how coke can kill your dental hygiene.

Coke and other soft drinks contain sugar. The fact that sugar leads to cavities comes to no surprise for most people. Although, you may wonder, can sipping on soda really be that bad for my teeth? The answer is yes. There is this slogan, “Sip all day, get decay.” When you sip on soda throughout the day, the sugar mixes with the harmful bacteria in your mouth and forms acid, which is highly corrosive as it erodes your dental enamel. Even diet sodas contain this acid that eats away at your tooth enamel over time. On average, it takes about 20 minutes for the acid to begin attacking your teeth. Every time you take another sip, the attacks start over again.

Our teeth are naturally formed with an outer layer, know as enamel, but once eroded, teeth become more susceptible to decay and patients often experience tooth sensitivity or pain. It is important to protect the enamel on your teeth because once gone, it will not come back. Enamel is hard and durable, but the damage cannot be reversed. Many dental treatments can repair the damage caused by enamel erosion, but nothing is quite as good as your natural tooth enamel. Protecting your teeth to begin with is the better solution to good oral hygiene.

If you are a soda drinker, here are some solutions to kick your habit. Try not to sip on sodas throughout the day. Instead, drink one and be done. Also, rinse your mouth out with water afterwards, or better yet, brush your teeth when you are done. Limit your intake of sodas to only one per day, at the most. Try to drink fluoridated water instead of soda to ensure you remain hydrated throughout the day. Last, be sure to visit the dentist regularly for your checkups and cleanings.

To schedule your next visit, contact Hartrick Dentistry today. We welcome patients of Royal Oak and Birmingham MI.

Posted in Preventive Dentistry

Are Mercury Fillings Breaking Your Teeth?

For more than a hundred years dentists have relied on mercury, also known as silver fillings, for repairing decay in teeth. Although the FDA has declared mercury fillings safe for dental purposes, the World Health Organization has stated otherwise. Research has shown that amalgam fillings are not only toxic to your health but is also damaging to your teeth.

One problem with mercury fillings is that they slowly emit mercury vapor into your mouth, which in turn, enters your bloodstream and is carried throughout your body, including your organs. Another issue posed by amalgam fillings is that as we eat and drink, our teeth are subjected to varying degrees of temperature changes. Our teeth are designed to expand and contract, ever so slightly, while adjusting to changes in temperatures. However, mercury fillings expand and contract at a different rate than our teeth, causing the amalgam filled tooth to crack.

Mercury fillings also tend to leak, over time, creating a hidden danger waiting to be discovered. Many times, patients are unaware that their old silver filling is leaking or has caused damage to their tooth until the tooth starts to hurt. These old fillings can be removed and replaced with a safer, more durable material.

At the office of Dr. Hartrick, we offer biocompatible, tooth-colored fillings, known as composites. This innovative filling material is made from a mixture of resin and plastic, and composites are the perfect material for repairing decay in teeth or replacing old silver fillings. Patients appreciate the aesthetics of their composite fillings because composite fillings blend in when they smile or laugh, unlike old metal fillings. The composite material is designed to expand and contract along with your teeth when exposed to temperature changes, meaning, composites are safer and healthier for your teeth!

Dr. Hartrick can safely remove any of your old mercury fillings and replace them with new, natural-looking composites. If you are interested in a consultation for composite fillings, please contact our office today! We welcome patients of Royal Oak and Birmingham MI.

Posted in Composites

Experience anxiety-free dentistry with Dr. Nancy Hartrick

If you have an immense fear of the dentist then anxiety-free dentistry is for you!

Dentophobia, or dental fear, is a condition that refers to the excessive fear of dentistry and receiving dental care. It has been estimated that as many as 75% of American adults experience some degree of dentophobia!

This is why at Hartrick Dentistry in Detroit, we are committed to your relaxation in the dental chair, and even offer anxiety-free treatments to ensure you are comfortable!

Anxiety-free dentistry with Dr. Nancy Hartrick…

With over 28 years’ experience, Dr. Nancy Hartrick has dealt with varying degrees of anxiety in her patients. With our sympathetic approach to your dental care, you can rest easy knowing we will do whatever we can to make your experience as comfortable and pleasing as possible. To do this, we offer:

  • Virtual Reality Glasses: A fantastic piece of equipment, where you can watch a movie or listen to music during your treatment to help ease your anxiety!
  • Nitrous Oxide: Otherwise known as ‘laughing gas,’ we make this option available to you for added comfort and relaxation in the dental chair.

Don’t hide away from the dentist…

Did you know that many overall health problems have been linked to poor dental health? If you are hiding away from the dentist, you could be increasing your risk of illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke!

Stop hiding and visit our tranquil dental clinic to experience a smooth and anxiety-free dental treatment with Dr. Nancy Hartrick in Detroit.

For more information on our anxiety-free treatments or to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Posted in Anxietry-free Dentistry, News and Updates

The secret to winning the election? White teeth!

It’s no secret that whiter, more beautiful teeth are linked to success – and now it’s been proven!

With the presidential election just around the corner, a new study has confirmed that previous presidents sported whiter teeth than their opposing candidates!

An analysis of presidential candidates on the campaign trail displayed a direct correlation between the whiteness of teeth and electability!

Ensure your success with a beautiful, white smile…

At Hartrick Dentistry in Detroit, we are fully focused on the esthetics and function of your teeth and endeavour to rejuvenate and enhance your smile to perfection. Are you embarrassed of a discolored smile? Our tooth whitening treatments are simple and effective, and will leave your smile white and bright!

Tooth whitening in the chair…

When experiencing tooth whitening with us at Hartrick Dentistry, we ensure maximum comfort and relaxation during the treatment, and strive to bring you the highest level of success. We want you to leave our practice with a renewed sense of confidence and pride in your smile!

Tooth whitening at home…

Our take-home tooth whitening option includes a simple mouthguard-style tray which is used to hold the whitening gel in place overnight. This helps to effectively whiten your teeth and eliminate staining and discoloring for the ultimate esthetic result.

For more information on our tooth whitening treatments or to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Posted in Teeth Whitening

Oral health and the body

What is your oral health doing to your body?

Recent studies in periodontal disease have shown that the condition of your mouth may very well be impacting on your overall general health!

Bacteria accumulation in the mouth has been linked to conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Dementia, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory issues and even cancer! Periodontal (gum) disease is caused by a build-up of bacteria in the mouth which causes plaque, which then turns to tartar and results in eating away at the enamel and gum line. Periodontal disease can result in teeth becoming loose, decayed, discolored or even lost!

Prevention is better than a cure…

At Hartrick Dentistry in Royal Oak, we understand the connection between the mouth and the body which is why we urge our patients to incorporate a good oral health regime at home. Good oral health routines should include:

  • Flossing at least once a day; removing food particles between teeth significantly lowers your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Brushing at least twice daily; holding the brush at a 45 degree angle to ensure the whole surface of your teeth are cleaned and your gums massaged.
  • Maintain regular check-ups with us at our Royal Oaks practice to ensure your oral health is optimal.

Find your perfect smile with Dr. Nancy Hartrick

At Hartrick Dentistry, we want your smile to last a lifetime. That is why, if your home routine has failed you, we will always endeavour to give you the best treatment for the best outcome. Our other treatments include:

For more information on our treatments or to book a consultation, please contact us.

Posted in News and Updates, Preventive Dentistry

Death to decay

Japanese scientists have created a new revolutionary product which could end tooth decay

Scientists in Japan have produced a revolutionary product called a ‘tooth patch,’ an extremely thin, microscopic film made from materials found in natural tooth enamel that is placed over the teeth to prevent decay or whiten teeth instantly.

The microscopic film is currently transparent but the scientists say they could create white sheets to aid in cosmetic dentistry!

Achieve that beautiful smile with Hartrick Dentistry

At Hartrick Dentistry in Royal Oak, Michigan, we endeavour to bring you that perfect smile you have always dreamed of. Focusing on cosmetic dentistry, we can help you succeed in your smile by providing treatments which include:

  • Crowns and Bridges – Designed to restore and strengthen damaged, decayed or rotten teeth, crowns and bridges can affectively improve your dental health and enhance the quality, function and aesthetics of your smile.
  • Dental Implants – This treatment is used when teeth have been lost and the patient wants a permanent solution. Surgical screws are placed in the jawbone and allowed to heal, where the jawbone accepts the screws as part of your biological make up. These form an anchor for the new permanent teeth to be fixed to.
  • Veneers – This treatment is used on teeth that are chipped, cracked, stained, broken or damaged. Porcelain or composite resins are crafted and bonded to the front surface of the tooth, creating a perfect smile with little downtime.
  • Tooth Whitening – At Hartrick Dentistry, tooth whitening has never been easier! With the option of in-house treatment or take-home treatment, the choice really is yours.
  • Build success with a beautiful smile

At Hartrick Dentistry in Royal Oak, we understand being unhappy with your smile can be detrimental to your confidence. This is why we provide a wide range of cosmetic dentistry treatments to enhance your smile and your self-esteem!

For more information on our treatments or to book a consultation, please contact us.

Posted in News and Updates

Whiter and Brighter Teeth are Achievable Through Your Dentist

Do you have discolored teeth and not sure what to do about them? Take a visit to your dentist and ask about professional tooth whitening. Your dentist will advise the correct product to maintain your new smile and suit your lifestyle.

Tooth whitening is a process recognized as oxidation. There are many reasons why our teeth can become stained, most common causes are the consumption of highly colored foods, such as berries, and drinks such as coffee, tea and red wine. Antibiotics at a young age, smoking, ageing and trauma can also be the cause of discoloration.

For those who wish to whiten teeth in the comfort of their own home, there are day and night teeth whiteners available. Teeth whitening products are often comprised of a gel and available in a range of flavors, including spearmint. They are applied to custom made trays (like a mouthguard). To whiten teeth, the home whitening gel is broken down and allows oxygen to enter the enamel and dentin, which then allow stains to dissolve.

With tooth whiteners, discoloration within a tooth will be lightened. The whitening will only eliminate existing stains on restorations on your teeth and it won’t have an effect on the original shade. Whitening will last forever although touch ups are required a few times a year.

No matter which method you decide, whitening your teeth is easy to do. Tooth Whitening will make you look and feel more comfortable, you’ll be ecstatic with the results of your noticeably whiter teeth. Everyone deserves a brighter smile.

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Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry, News and Updates