Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI
Headaches are common and can strike people of all ages and health status. Sometimes, headaches are due to stress, dehydration, hunger, or even lack of sleep. While occasional headaches typically are not cause for concern and can be managed with an approved over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever, recurring or chronic headaches could point to a bigger health issue. Unfortunately, pinpointing the cause of chronic headaches can seem like a wild goose chase for both you and your physician. Dr. Nancy Hartrick, a Royal Oak dentist that treats temporomandibular joint disorder may have a solution for chronic headache sufferers.
What is TMJ disorder?
TMJ disorder refers to jaw joint dysfunction. This may occur from having a bad bite, missing teeth, joint arthritis, clenching and grinding your teeth, or trauma to the face. When TMJ disorder develops, inflammation and reduced blood flow to the affected area soon follow suit. As the surrounding muscles become strained and inflammation presses on the nerves, pain can be sent to the teeth, face, head, and neck. Specifically, headaches are likely to occur.
How is TMJ disorder related to chronic headaches?
A major nerve known as the trigeminal nerve connects from the spinal cord and wraps around to the sides of the brain to send nerve sensations and help provide neurofeedback from the jaw to the brain. Since this nerve runs around the jaw joints, inflammation and blood restriction from temporomandibular joint disorder can cause frequent headaches. Therefore, if you experience frequent headaches that are hard to control with OTC medications or if your doctor doesn’t seem to have any answers for you as to the cause of your head pain, consider a TMJ consultation with Dr. Hartrick.
How can the dentist help with chronic headaches?
Dr. Hartrick can screen for TMJ disorder and determine the severity of your jaw joint misalignment. Once the desired occlusion or bite is determined, Dr. Hartrick customizes an oral appliance that can be worn at night and in some cases during the day to reposition the bite for ideal positioning. Wearing a TMJ splint helps by aligning the jaw joints and relieving pressure off the surrounding soft tissues and nerves. As a result, the trigeminal nerve compression may lesson and reduce your headaches if your head pain is directly associated with TMJ disorder. There may also be other techniques like facial massages and adjusting your diet that can help relieve tension in your jaw joints.
Does TMJ disorder require surgery?
Not in all cases. Dr. Hartrick takes a non-surgical approach to treat TMJ disorder. If your newly established occlusion can be better maintained by rebuilding your bite, Dr. Hartrick may recommend replacing missing teeth or repairing broken or damaged teeth so that your occlusion is permanently stabilized. In most cases, however, Dr. Hartrick’s TMJ patients experience a great deal of relief from their customized TMJ splint.
TMJ Splint in Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan
If you’re tired of dealing with ongoing headaches or think that you may have TMJ disorder, schedule a consultation with Hartrick Dentistry by calling (248) 549-0950.