How TMJ Disorder Could be Causing your Chronic Pain

tmj causing pain

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Do you have chronic headaches and/or pain in your face, neck or jaw that may feel a bit better after taking over-the-counter pain relievers but always comes back? If you’ve been suffering from chronic pain

Posted in TMJ

5 Signs of Sleep Apnea You should Not Ignore

sleep apnea symptoms

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Sleep apnea is a dangerous sleep-breathing disorder that affects millions, but many people don’t realize they have it. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) causes repeated pauses in breathing during the night, leading to disrupted sleep patterns

Posted in Sleep Apnea

The Future of Dental Technology in Royal Oak

dental technology

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI If you had a cavity when you were younger, what did repairing the tooth entail? You might remember a dentist removing the damaged portion of your tooth with a drill, or the application of a

Posted in Dental Technology

Popular Cosmetic Dental Procedures in Royal Oak

cosmetic procedures

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile? If so, you are not alone. Nearly 60% of respondents to one recent study said they disliked the way their smile looked. Today, getting the smile

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry

5 Questions you Should Ask at your Next Dental Checkup

truth behind dental checkups

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Getting a dental checkup every six months is a key component of a good oral health routine. These appointments twice a year also provide you with an ideal opportunity to ask your dentist any questions

Posted in General Dentistry

Ranking the 7 Most Effective Whitening Treatments

teeth whitening options

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile? Maybe you have a big event upcoming and want to ensure your smile looks its best when the photos get taken. A whitening treatment is your

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry

3 Ways to Reshape your Smile Without Braces

reshape smile

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Having a winning smile that you’re proud of doesn’t have to take years or cost a fortune to achieve. Bright, dazzling smiles of straight, white teeth aren’t reserved only for Hollywood celebrities — and they

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry

The Best Way to Make your Teeth Whitening Last Longer

teeth whitening last longer

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI So you’ve researched, budgeted and decided you’re ready to invest in yourself and your smile with professional teeth whitening. Nothing rejuvenates a bright, white, youthful smile more than this quick, affordable cosmetic dental procedure. But

Posted in Teeth Whitening

Why is My Tooth Sensitive, and What Should I Do About It?

sensitive teeth

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI A tooth that is sensitive isn’t shy about letting us know it’s sensitive. In fact, it lets us know in a pretty loud, zippy way when we sip on a hot, cold or sweet beverage

Posted in General Dentistry

Find Out What’s Really Causing your Snoring

causes of snoring

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Snoring is a common occurrence among people all over the world, but that doesn’t mean it’s normal. Snoring can be a sign of a serious sleep breathing disorder that increases your risk of a heart

Posted in Sleep Apnea