No Answers for your Chronic Headaches? Royal Oak Dentist may have a Solution

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Headaches are common and can strike people of all ages and health status. Sometimes, headaches are due to stress, dehydration, hunger, or even lack of sleep. While occasional headaches typically are not cause for concern

Posted in TMJ

Could Your Medication Be Causing You to Snore?

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Snoring is common, although that doesn’t mean it is harmless. One of the most significant warning signs of obstructive sleep apnea is snoring, which means that your body struggles to breathe while sleeping due to

Posted in Sleep Apnea

4 Reasons to Talk to your Dentist about Metal-Free Dentistry

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Alloy metals have been used in dentistry for decades as a way to repair teeth from fillings to crowns. Amalgam has long since been used for fillings in back teeth and crowns are often fabricated

Posted in General Dentistry

Do I have TMJ Disorder?

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Can you identify where your temporomandibular joint is? Here’s a hint; it’s a small, round joint that connects the jaws to the skull. Also known as TMJ disorder or TMD, this ailment is one of

Posted in TMJ

The Value of Neuromuscular Dentistry

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Have you ever experienced a persistent ringing in the ears? What about chronic headaches, especially first thing in the morning, that respond poorly to even powerful pain relief medication? Maybe you hear clicking or popping

Posted in TMJ

Improve your Sleep, and With it, Your Health

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Are you familiar with temporomandibular joint disorder? Also commonly referred to as TMJ disorder, this occurs when there’s some sort of dysfunction with your temporomandibular joint, which connects your jaw to your skull on either

Posted in TMJ

How Does My Dentist Treat TMJ Disorder?

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI If you have temporomandibular joint disorder, this condition can harm the alignment of your bite and/or jaws. TMJ disorder also often causes significant pain, sometimes serious enough to be debilitating. Seeking the care of a

Posted in TMJ

What to do if you have a Dental Emergency on Vacation

dental emergency

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Trips out of town are not just for the summertime any more. More and more people are vacationing during the fall, with one survey indicating that 93% of American travelers were planning a trip. Vacations

Posted in General Dentistry

Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions about TMJ Disorder


Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Do you know where your temporomandibular joint is? This is a small round joint that connects your jaw to your skull on either side of the head. That joint may be small but if it

Posted in TMJ

Why CPAP is not your only Option to Treat Sleep Apnea

Oral appliance therapy

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Sleep apnea is a very prevalent, and very serious, sleep breathing disorder that currently affects approximately 39 million Americans. Without seeking diagnosis and treatment from a trained medical professional, sleep apnea disrupts your ability to

Posted in Sleep Apnea