The Truth Behind Dental Checkups and Cleanings

truth behind dental checkups

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Many people just assume that if their teeth seem healthy, then why bother going to the dentist? That line of thought is to the contrary, as prevention is the key to optimal oral health. There

Posted in General Dentistry

Treatment and Prevention of Sleep Apnea: Dentistry Plays a Key Role

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Health and wellness are important interests and concerns among the public. The dental profession plays a significant role in this area with the increasing awareness of the relationship between oral and systemic health. The primary

Posted in News and Updates

The Connection Between Lack of Sleep and Diabetes

connection between lack of sleep and diabetes

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Have trouble sleeping? The consequences can go far beyond just feeling tired during the day. Recent research has found a potential link between insomnia and an increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes. According to Sherl

Posted in Health

Do you want a new smile? Answer these questions first.

smile makeovers

Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI Most of us are just not lucky enough to be born with a perfect smile. Thankfully, at Hartrick Dentistry, we offer smile makeovers to give you a smile that you deserve. What is a smile

Posted in Cosmetic Dentistry

Did you know everyone is at risk for developing Oral Cancer?

Smoking, chewing tobacco, and heavy drinking have traditionally been major links to the increased risk of developing oral cancer. However, in the last few years reports have shown an increase in oropharyngeal cancers which is cancer of the mouth and

Posted in Preventive Dentistry