Royal Oak and Birmingham, MI
If you want a healthier smile, watch what you eat. For many, it is not a surprise that foods and snacks loaded with sugar cause tooth decay, but there are many snack options out there that are not as healthy as they seem. Here are some foods to avoid if you want to maintain a healthier smile.
Skip the mints and hard candies that contain sugar. Instead, chew on sugarless gum that contains Xylitol, a sugar-free substitute that tastes good, and reduces your chance of developing tooth decay. Not to mention, your waistline may thank you, too!
Ice is for your drink, not your teeth. As tempting as it may seem, avoid chomping on ice as it can chip or break your teeth or even cause damaging to existing dental work. Although it may not seem like a big deal at first, chewing on ice can cause unnoticeable fractures in your teeth that eventually become larger, and lead to oral health concerns.
Limit your citrus intake, even if it is just lemon water. Citrus, although refreshing, can cause dental enamel erosion. When this occurs, teeth become sensitive, and more susceptible to developing cavities. If you must consume foods or beverages containing citrus, do so in moderation, and be sure to rinse your mouth out with plain water afterward or brush if you can.
What is in your coffee could be harmful to your teeth. Millions of people consume coffee every day, but many enjoy their morning cup of joe by adding sugary creamers and sugar. So, although coffee itself is not all that harmful to your teeth, that added sugar is. Be sure you drink plenty of plain water while also enjoying your coffee, and be mindful of how much sugar you are adding.
Sticky foods that aren’t always healthy include dried fruit. Although raisins and the like may seem healthier, after all, it is fruit, but it still sticks to your teeth and hides in the deep grooves of teeth where cavities usually start. If you consume these snacks, be sure to brush afterward.
Think that crunchy foods are a safer alternative? Think again! Those tasty crackers or potato chips are almost just as bad as the sticky dried fruits. The reason is that these salty snacks are basically carbohydrates, which break down into sugar once consumed. They are basically cookies with salt on them.
Skip the soda and choose water instead. Sipping on sugary beverages throughout the day means that your teeth are constantly being bathed in sugar. Although an occasional sweet drink will not totally wreck your oral health, doing so consistently will cause tooth decay, or worse. So, if you must drink soda every once in a while, just be sure to brush afterward or at least rinse your mouth with water.
Limit your alcohol intake simply because alcohol limits salvia production. Our mouths naturally produce saliva as means to rinse away bacteria and food particles that accumulate in our mouths. Without it, bacteria will easily multiply and begin affecting oral health. Plus, excessive consumption of alcohol has been linked to oral cancer.
Trade in your sports drinks for water. There is a common misconception that sports drinks are “healthy.” Although they help to hydrate and replenish electrolytes that our bodies sweat out during intense exercising or sports, these drinks are also loaded with sugar and contain acids that erode dental enamel. Instead of grabbing a sports drink to rehydrate, consider water or even coconut water instead. If you need the added electrolytes, keep some fresh fruit nearby that you can snack on after your workout.
For more information about oral health or to schedule an appointment, contact the office of Hartrick Dentistry at (248) 549-0950.
Hartrick Dentistry is proud to serve the oral health needs of patients in the areas of Royal Oak and Birmingham, Michigan.